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Struct encapsulating the base constructor parameters of a MerkleLockup campaign.

struct ConstructorParams {
IERC20 asset;
bool cancelable;
uint40 expiration;
address initialAdmin;
string ipfsCID;
bytes32 merkleRoot;
string name;
bool transferable;


assetIERC20The contract address of the ERC-20 asset to be distributed.
cancelableboolIndicates if the stream will be cancelable after claiming.
expirationuint40The expiration of the campaign, as a Unix timestamp.
initialAdminaddressThe initial admin of the MerkleLockup campaign.
ipfsCIDstringThe content identifier for indexing the contract on IPFS.
merkleRootbytes32The Merkle root of the claim data.
namestringThe name of the campaign.
transferableboolIndicates if the stream will be transferable after claiming.